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Why isn’t this working?

Have you ever wondered why your organization isn’t moving forward?  Do you feel as if you have great plans and strategies, but there is something in the way?  There are oftentimes local context issues that go unconsidered when a plan is being implemented. Whether you are moving ahead with a plan for the first time, or you are reworking it because you need to adjust, you may want to consider a force field analysis to tackle your problem.

The tool is based on the idea that any change in an organization is influenced by two types of forces: driving forces and restraining forces. Driving forces are the factors that support change, while restraining forces are the factors that oppose change. More specifically, a deep dive into the local context regarding these factors can be examined in a matter-of-fact way, so that everyone involved in the process can see what may be happening in the process.

Non-profit organizations are often faced with limited resources, and the ability to quickly identify these forces can help them to make informed decisions and allocate resources more effectively. For example, a non-profit organization that is focused on providing education to underprivileged children may use force field analysis to identify the factors that support or hinder the achievement of this goal. The driving forces may include the availability of funding, the commitment of volunteers, and the support of the community. The restraining forces may include the lack of resources, the resistance of the community, and the lack of political will.

A study by the Bridgespan Group found that non-profit organizations who use force field analysis are more likely to achieve their goals than those that do not. The study also found that force field analysis helps non-profit organizations to identify the factors that are within their control and those that are outside their control. This knowledge helps them to focus their efforts on the factors that they can influence and find ways to overcome the factors that are outside their control.

At Options and Perspective Consulting, we can help you understand your local context and the factors you can use to accelerate your growth. Using tools like the force field analysis, let us help you increase your impact on your community!

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