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Our Services

Discover Our Expertise

Options and Perspective Consulting exists to help schools, churches, and other non-profits increase their impact by offering solutions to their most difficult challenges.  Get in touch with us today to learn more about our services and what our team can do for you. Ask us about:


  • Process Analysis

  • Coaching and training

  • Budget benchmark analysis

  • Human Resource (succession) planning

  • Financial forecasting

  • Policy and governance review

It all starts with a conversation...

Looking to develop an idea for your entity, but not sure where to turn? Is there a problem that you need to solve, but aren't sure how to begin? Need help planning or executing your next project? Let us guide you. Any organization can move forward with small incremental changes, but building for the future in today’s rapidly evolving environment means taking bold chances and making insightful decisions.  Through a series of discussions, we can determine the following:


  • Initial conversation:  What do you want to accomplish?

  • Deeper questions:  Tell us about your local context.  What are the opportunities that are available?  Pain points? Challenges to overcome?

  • Planning and structure:  We can structure your project to fit attainable timelines...on time and under budget!

Business Meeting
Anchor 2

Leadership Development and Selection

Anchor 1

Budget Review

Business Meeting

Policy and Governance Analysis

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